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標題: 觀 草山 – 草山駐村藝術家創作發表 7/25(六Sat) - 8/16(日Sun) 觀 草山 之顏柯夫「非關宗教」98/07/02 11:05 留言首頁
觀 草山 – 草山駐村藝術家創作發表
7/25(六Sat) - 8/16(日Sun) 觀 草山 之顏柯夫「非關宗教」
Grass Mountain Vista “Non-Religious”– Ke-Fu Yan

草山國際藝術村, 92藝文中心 92 Art Center, Grass Mountain Artist Village
(台北市北投區湖底路92號 92 Hudi Road, Beitou District, Taipei)

開幕日期Opening Day:7/25 (六Sat.) 2:00pm

Wed to Sun 10:00-16:00


There is a wooden figure on my desk. I am used to play with it. As I can change the posture and the dressing of it as the way I like. It makes me feel I have the ultimate power. Such a feeling becomes the main theme of my artwork.

I would like to explore the relationship between subject and object. In my opinion, the relationship, in a certain way, is closed to that between human and the nature, between human and the universe, between human and religions. However is the relationship always the same? I have questions about that, just like the relationship between the wooden figure, universe and myself.

The main theme of “Non-Religious” is not about religion, is about human. When a person facing extreme danger or under unbearable pressure, he will usually hold a posture of crossing hands. The posture is rather common no matter in different races, countries and cultures. I think this posture is come from human nature. It is not about religion. Therefore I name my work “Non-religion”.

綠映草山寫生工作坊: 顏柯夫
“Greenery Grass Mountain” Painting Workshop by Ke-Fu Yan
8/1 (六) & 8/15 (六) 2-4 pm

「玩藝」報名資格“FunArts” Qualification:
愛藝術, 不限年紀。No limit but mandarin listening is required

「玩藝」體驗價“FunArts” Fee: NT.200/人per

凡8-12歲的小朋友持童心護照報名「玩藝」工作坊, 可享9折優惠。(每本限1人使用1次)
AIR Taipei brings to you “FunArts” this summer. With Children’s Arts Festival Passport, Get 10% discount. (One passport per child)






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